Thursday, March 11, 2010

If it's Not Fun Don't do it

"Sugar Sugar... Honey Honey"
"Fine Day for Baseball" oil on paper ... Time to turn on the Radio and listen to the sound of the game.

"WHY" (photo montage)@POD gallery ... picture created 1977

"Sugar Sugar" by the Archies a radio pop classic with a sugar shaking rhythm rift that conjures sounds of Jamaican steel drums. What was so trivial in the early 1970's seems by today's pop musicality to be almost classical.

March 15, 2010 The Ides of March... Bloomington, NY ... 30 turkeys were sited walking in a line thru the woods in no particular hurry.

Posted Warning to all creative types....

IF IT IS NOT FUN DON"T DO IT... if what you're doing starts to feel like work...don't do it

The Picasso show at the Met NYC comes with sign before you enter warning of sexually explicit content ... proceed with caution? The power of art and the screwed up American attitude toward the naked body is still with us even in this time of rampant Internet porn and our profane media. Well done Metropolitan Museum of Art. Nonetheless, a good time was had by all.

One more note and I promise to shut up...

Tom Hanks to Meg Ryan in "You Got Mail" says he cannot understand Joni Mitchell's "it's clouds illusions I recall... I really don't know clouds at all." Well, Joni is obviously looking at a painting with clouds. You've got Art... Tom.

I will have five pieces in what promises to be an excellent exhibition of Baseball Art at the Springfield Art Association, Springfield, Illinois from 6-25-10 t0 8-21-10. Noted artists such as Benjamin Blackburn, John Haney, Margaret Wharton and a number of artists from the Jean Albano gallery in Chicago will be included. A catalogue is available.

And now a little summer video...


  1. Interesting comments, esp about if it's not fun don't do it, hummm.
    Still want to know who the muse is. Congrats on the show.
    Hope to see you when we return from France.

  2. Ave B, between 6th & 7th sts, Manhattan, circa 1970: the Puerto Rican social club in a storefront across from our apt plays "Sugar Sugar" by The Archies again, & again, & again, sometimes till well after 2:00 am. A good pop song, even then, but I have to admit to getting a bit sick of it after awhile, & also to being somewhat mystified as to why a bunch of pool-playing, Hispanic, tough street guys would be so into such a piece of obvious Anglo bubblegum, almost to the exclusion of anything else. I mean, where was Eddie Palmieri, or Johnny Pacheco, or James Brown, or Marvin Gaye et al? -It just goes to show you, people don't always conform to the stereotypes one has of them...
    As to "work", I always liked the immortal words of the famous NY camera dolly grip, Ed Engels, Sr, "hard work ain't easy."

  3. Vince,
    I did not about Picasso at the Met and yes it is crazy, with all this worse stuff around us to be so sensitive of the naked body. Are you and in BJ in France? If so lucky you. Congrats on your show. I wish I could visit. Cheers!
